Want to help out Menehunes? We could use your help.

We can offer tax ID numbers for businesses that donate to Menehunes. All the sponsorships will go towards Menehune basketball tournament, league, and reff fees. Menehunes also look to support local businesses by putting YOUR logo on our jerseys and using your companies name as a part of the teams name when we play.
Please fill out the application if your interested: CLICK HERE
Levels of Sponsorships:
Please fill out the application if your interested: CLICK HERE
Levels of Sponsorships:
- Diamond Sponsorship: $1000, Company name will be used for team entry name for the tournament & patch will be on the jerseys, Banner on webpage, T-shirts will be given to the sponsor.
- Gold Sponsorship: $500 or more, Company patch on our jerseys, banner on the webpage.
- Silver Sponsorship: $400, Banner on our webpage
- Bronze Sponsor: Menehune t-shirt will be given to them
Sponsor: Pepe's
Click here to and get 10% off your order: ORDER YOUR BURRITO NOW!

Pepe's has been a local spot for the Menehune's to chow down on some burritos after their games. They are a local supporter of the Menehunes and will try to help them out in any way they can. The owners Fred and John sometimes plays in some open gym games at the local 24hr fitness with Jimmy.
"Its truly an honor and a blessing to have any help or support for this organization, I really appreciate local supporters and it's important to form these great relationships with the local supporting companies around the area. Thank you Fred and John for you contributions towards Menehune Basketball! Every bit counts and helps! What makes it even sweeter is that Pepe's is my favorite place to get Mexican food at! My parents always take 2 or 3 burritos for the airplane ride home to Hawaii" Jimmy Miyasaka
So if your in the Fullerton CA, area please make sure to stop off and grab a bite at Pepe's. Trust me you'll love the food, I've been eating there ever since I moved to California for school. California Burrito's are amazing, but I like to get the Red Chili Beaf burrito with beans and rice. Chickenitos is Britt's (Jimmy's girl friends) favorite, Carnitas burrito is Phillip's favorite thing to get there. The food and quality is amazing and you will be full every time you eat there! I was a regular there and thats how I met John. The customer service there are wonderful, they are really nice people that make sure that your food taste great! Open till 11pm on weekdays and 10pm weekends.
"Its truly an honor and a blessing to have any help or support for this organization, I really appreciate local supporters and it's important to form these great relationships with the local supporting companies around the area. Thank you Fred and John for you contributions towards Menehune Basketball! Every bit counts and helps! What makes it even sweeter is that Pepe's is my favorite place to get Mexican food at! My parents always take 2 or 3 burritos for the airplane ride home to Hawaii" Jimmy Miyasaka
So if your in the Fullerton CA, area please make sure to stop off and grab a bite at Pepe's. Trust me you'll love the food, I've been eating there ever since I moved to California for school. California Burrito's are amazing, but I like to get the Red Chili Beaf burrito with beans and rice. Chickenitos is Britt's (Jimmy's girl friends) favorite, Carnitas burrito is Phillip's favorite thing to get there. The food and quality is amazing and you will be full every time you eat there! I was a regular there and thats how I met John. The customer service there are wonderful, they are really nice people that make sure that your food taste great! Open till 11pm on weekdays and 10pm weekends.