"STUNNER" Menehunes edition 2nd prototype .

A few more edits and the shoe will be up and running.
We will have two types of shoes. 1) Recreational player type and 2) Elite player type.
Shoes are in the making and if you are interested in getting a pair please email us at: [email protected]
Thank you for your support to the Menehune Basketball Program.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Jimmy Miyasaka
Menehune Basketball President
Interested in the Menehunes "STUNNER" editions of the DAR brand Basketball shoes?
Send us an email at: [email protected]
Antonio Hood A.K.A. "DAR"
"Stunner" shoe breakdown:We designed the "Stunner", to have a custom feel, with a good durable sole and somewhat of a lock down fit. Primarily for perimeter players.
The shoe should be breathable, but, if lock down fit, the breath ability maybe be somewhat compromised as as lock down fit, does take away from shoe breath availability. I'd compare the weight of the "Stunner" to the Kobes, but we are using the patent leather upper combined with PU which may give a lighter fit or slightly heavier fit, but, wont know for sure until shoe is properly broken in. I believe the "Stunner" shoe will be at its optimum comfort the more it's worn and molds to your feet, as opposed to right out of the box. Of course, this is too each players discretion of the shoe feel, but my pre production projections from "1" being weakest to "10" being the strongest are as follow: "STUNNER ELITE EDITION" Heel Cushioning: 9 Forefoot Cushioning: 9 Forefoot Stability:9 Heel Stability:10 Lateral Response Time:9 Vertical Response Time:9 Indoor grip:9 Outdoor grip:9 Breath ability:8 Durability:9 This is just my estimate based off material we used for sampling the shoe, These numbers will vary once shoe has been tested. --D.A.R. |