Monica Quan Copper Division
Official WUCO Premier Game Ball
Official Game Ball of Menehune Basketball Tournaments and Leagues |
Gym Location:
Spam Musubis and Drinks will be sold at the Kau Kau Corner.
- Official Game Ball: WUCO Basketball Menehune Game Ball
- AA Division (ASIAN Decent), A+ Division (ASIAN Decent), and “A” Friendship (ASIAN Decent) NO RINGERS PLEASE!!
- Men’s Open Divisions are open ethnicity.
- “Monica Quan” Women Divisions (Gold/Silver/Bronze/Copper) which is also open ethnicity.
- (AA/A+/A Asian Divisions ONLY). All Players must part Asian. To be considered Asian you must be born and is native from these countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Or if you played in (NAU, Tigers Tournament, LVI Tournament) Or GRANDFATHERED in from playing in A Open Friendship division in previous tournaments (2014 and prior) (Not higher than A+ skilled level, Tournament committee will determine that)
- (AA/A+/A Asian Divisions ONLY) Any protest of Asian Players, will be needed to be brought up to the Menehune Committee for proof of Asian Descent prior to tipoff. Bring birth certificates if you have a Mix-Asian that doesn’t look Asian and please scan and email it to [email protected] prior to the tournament.
- Open (Gold/Silver/Bronze) Mens Divisions a player playing in an Asian division may play in the Open Ethnicity division. It is what it is sounds, open ethnicity, “Gold/Silver”- for younger more competitive players, “Bronze”-for the more recreational level of players. PLEASE NO RINGERS in the LOWER DIVISION.
- “Monica Quan” Womens Division is an open division for any ethnicity. We will use the same rules for the womens division as we do for the mens divisions. EXCEPT Shot clock will be 30 seconds upon request.
- NFHS Rules, CIF/College officials will enforce PTBA league rules.
- AA Division: 2-20 minute Semi-stop halves(stop on free-throws), last 30 seconds of the first half will be full stop time and also the last 2 minutes of the game will be full-stop time. (Clock does not stop on made baskets) 30 second shot-clock will be enforced. (IF IT IS PRESENT it will be on for the whole game) If we don’t have shot clocks it will be upon request (Score keeper will have a stop watch). PTBA Division 1 Rules. Under 2 minutes you may advance the ball only if you do a non-basketball moving play off of a time out.
- Mens Open Upper, Open Lower, A+ Asian, A Asian, Womens divisions: 2-20 minute halves. Running time and clock will stop on the last 30 seconds of the first half, and last 2 minutes of the games. PTBA Division 2 Rules Under 2 minutes you may advance the ball only if you do a non-basketball moving play off of a time out.
- A+ Asian championship games will also be semi-stop.
- Shot clock will be 30 seconds and will be upon request for (A+, A, Open, and Women Divisions), AA Division will be on from tip off (IF WE HAVE SHOT CLOCK PRESENT, if not it will be upon request)
- For every overtime will be additional 2 minutes, stop time. (does not stop on made baskets). NO SUDDEN DEATH.
- Double Technical foul or ejection of the game, player will not be able to play the remainder of the game and will be asked to leave the gym. Player can play the next game but if he gets another technical foul then he will be disqualified for the rest of the tournament.
- Any protest has to be done prior to the game to the Menehune Basketball Committee. Once the game starts then the game will take place.
- All fighting will lead to an automatic ejection of the game and tournament. (NO TOLLERANCE POLLICY, the officials should keep the game in control, so if there is a problem, please report it to the game officials)
- Grace period of 10 minutes for each team, and after that the opposing team will get a point for each minute that the opposing team will be waiting for. (Let’s not have a problem with this) For any reason you are running late please contact the tournament Manager.
- All protest must be made prior to the beginning of the game, once the ball is tossed the game must go on as is.
- Anyone under 18 years of age will need their parent to sign the waver form before they can play.